Required and Optional Items for Unit Membership: Uniform
The required uniform and equipment listed below are the required items for all unit members by the end of their first year of membership within the unit. Unit Loaner Gear is available on a first come, first serve basis at events. Every unit member is expected to have at a minimum a complete uniform by their fourth event. Please remember to ask the unit NCOs prior to purchasing any item so they can assist you in acquiring the equipment that will meet the standards of the 2.Kompanie SS-Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon “LSSAH.”
The optional items are encouraged to help you enhance your impression and to give you m ore options when it comes to uniforms, clothing and personal items. A list of unit approved vendors has been provided.
Required Uniform Items:
1. M43 Feldgrau Wool Field Cap with Bevo SS skull sewn on the front and Bevo SS Eagle sewn on the left side.

2. Wool Tunic: M40, M42, or SS 5 button M43 models.

3. Belt Hooks: Set of four.

4. M43 Feldgrau Wool Trousers

5. Service Shirt: Gray or brown, knit or cotton.

6. Black leather service belt(*)

7. Suspenders and/or canvas web and leather trouser belt

8. Waffen SS belt buckle: Either nickle/aluminum or feldgrau color(**)

9. Leather boots with hobnails: Jack boots and/or low boots, and shall be dyed black. Rubber soles and post-war boots are not authorized.

10. Gamaschen: To be worn with low boots

11. SS collar tabs: Machine woven or embroidered, not Bevo.(***)

12. SS sleeve eagle: Machine woven or embroidered, not Bevo.(***)

13. SS Pionier shoulder boards: Black piping

14. German ID disk (Erkennungsmarke): Unit Command will tell you what to have stamped on it.

(*) It is strongly encouraged that you purchase two leather belts. One should be kept shined for use as a parade or “walking out” belt, the other will be kept with your field gear attached. The extra belt will keep you from having to remove all of your field gear when only a belt and bayonet are required to be worn.
(**) Having an extra SS belt buckle is encouraged, having one for field use and one for parade or “walking out” dress.
(***) All insignia can be sewn on your uniforms by the Unit’s Master Tailor (Schneidermeister). Under no circumstances should you ever use glue, a hot glue gun, or a liquid adhesive to attach your insignia.